Church membership is an official way to declare your commitment to the church community, to be a part of helping it grow, thrive, and make wise decisions.
Membership at Plymouth Alliance Church is a two step process.
A Membership STEP 2 class will be held on:
Sunday, June 8th at 10:45 AM
For those who have completed Membership Step 1 this is the final step in becoming an official member of PAC!
Sunday, June 8th at 10:45 AM
For those who have completed Membership Step 1 this is the final step in becoming an official member of PAC!
Here is a quick outline of what happens in Step 2:
- Those interested in Step 2 are asked to sign up and are given three different reading assignments that are required before the second class.
- Class day of Step 2 covers some of the same material as Membership Step 1 but much more briefly.
- Introduction time.
- A look at our Statement of Faith.
- A look at our involvement with the C&MA.
- Question and answer time.
- Opportunity for membership is then offered. Those who don’t want to become members are dismissed, those who want to continue move to the next step.
- Membership application and interview. Each member applicant is interviewed by a pair of Elders or Elder and Pastor – either the same day or a later scheduled appointment. Much of this interview involves sharing your testimony of how you came to know Christ.
*Please make sure to pick up your packet and book in the lobby in preparation for the class.