Many times, when church students go off to college or enter the workforce they have only experienced church through children's and youth programs. In other words, they know how to do youth group but they don't know how to do church.
One of the goals of Anchored Youth Ministry is to integrate students into everything we do as a church so that when they leave our youth program they are equipped to build up the body of Christ through church participation. Youth Sunday is a way of doing this.
On specified Youth Sundays students can sign up to fill a variety of roles that are required to make a Sunday worship service possible. These roles include but are not limited to: Greeters, Coffee Servers, Projection, Sound, Worship, etc.
One of the goals of Anchored Youth Ministry is to integrate students into everything we do as a church so that when they leave our youth program they are equipped to build up the body of Christ through church participation. Youth Sunday is a way of doing this.
On specified Youth Sundays students can sign up to fill a variety of roles that are required to make a Sunday worship service possible. These roles include but are not limited to: Greeters, Coffee Servers, Projection, Sound, Worship, etc.