Have you ever wished you had a friend who would challenge you to actually live out the commands of scripture? Someone who would help you in your relationship with your spouse, or show you how to disciple your kids? Someone who would love you through your mistakes but make sure you learn and grow through them? Scripture makes it clear that we are to fulfill this role for each other in the Church. We offer three different types of discipleship groups:
ACCOUNTABILITY GROUPS are composed of 2-3 individuals of the same gender. The goal of these groups is to help form and shape one another to conform to Christ's image through confession, spiritual disciplines, and making disciples. Are you willing to let someone ask you the hard questions?
PRAYER PARTNERS: Want someone to connect and pray with once a week? At a coffee shop, the park, in a home...come together to share and pray.
MENTORING GROUPS are composed of two individuals of the same gender. One person takes the role of pouring into the life of the younger individual with the common goal of sharpening each other. If you are interested in investing in the younger generation or learning from someone more mature in the faith, join a mentoring group.
ACCOUNTABILITY GROUPS are composed of 2-3 individuals of the same gender. The goal of these groups is to help form and shape one another to conform to Christ's image through confession, spiritual disciplines, and making disciples. Are you willing to let someone ask you the hard questions?
PRAYER PARTNERS: Want someone to connect and pray with once a week? At a coffee shop, the park, in a home...come together to share and pray.
MENTORING GROUPS are composed of two individuals of the same gender. One person takes the role of pouring into the life of the younger individual with the common goal of sharpening each other. If you are interested in investing in the younger generation or learning from someone more mature in the faith, join a mentoring group.